Overcoming Security Challenges 

Cyberthreats are continuously evolving to become more sophisticated and pervasive, meaning companies must find more intelligent and dynamic ways to secure their systems, workloads, and applications. 



Companies may use a variety of security tools from different vendors to put together a security strategy that is complex and hard to manage. 

Inadequate Monitoring 

Inadequate Monitoring

In today’s geographically distributed environments with many endpoints, organizations have difficulty monitoring the system 24/7 all the way to the edge. 

Lack of Expertise 

Lack of Expertise

The IT industry is experiencing a skills gap, especially in cybersecurity, so many businesses have problems setting and enforcing security policies. 

Reactive Approach 

Reactive Approach

                                            When companies take a reactive approach to security, they are always playing catchup, struggling to recover lost and stolen data after an incident. 

Software-defined security (SDSec) overcomes today’s cybersecurity challenges by using software to control network security devices by virtualizing security functions.

ProActive Solutions takes a consultative approach to help companies decide if moving to SDSec is the answer to their security challenges and then helps design, implement, and support a custom solution. 

Overcoming Security Challenges

Cyberthreats are continuously evolving to become more sophisticated and pervasive, meaning companies must find more intelligent and dynamic ways to secure their systems, workloads, and applications. 

Companies may use a variety of security tools from different vendors to put together a security strategy that is complex and hard to manage.

Inadequate Monitoring
Inadequate Monitoring

In today’s geographically distributed environments with many endpoints, organizations have difficulty monitoring the system 24/7 all the way to the edge.

Lack of Expertise
Lack of Expertise

The IT industry is experiencing a skills gap, especially in cybersecurity, so many businesses have problems setting and enforcing security policies.

Reactive Approach
Reactive Approach

When companies take a reactive approach to security, they are always playing catchup, struggling to recover lost and stolen data after an incident.

Software-defined security (SDSec) overcomes today’s cybersecurity challenges by using software to control network security devices by virtualizing security functions.

ProActive Solutions takes a consultative approach to help companies decide if moving to SDSec is the answer to their security challenges and then helps design, implement, and support a custom solution. 


Centralized Management Solutions: Effortless Security Oversight

SDSec virtualizes security functions, enabling them to be managed using a centralized dashboard. Administrators can access this dashboard and view it remotely so that security policies can be set and changed for the entire network. Security tools and functionalities can be implemented, controlled, and managed from one location. With SDSec, consistent security can be provided for on-site and remote environments, wherever they are located. When a breach occurs, the company is notified immediately so that action can be taken to remediate the attack. ProActive will work with your company to uncover any security management issues and work to resolve them using SDSec. 


Network Segmentation Solutions: Enhanced Cybersecurity

As companies embrace the cloud and remote workplaces, they expand the attack surface cybercriminals can exploit to stage breaches. SDSec answers this problem by making network segmentation easier to accomplish so companies can shrink the available attack surface. Network segmentation organizes the network into smaller pieces to control the flow of traffic and limit the extent of the network that is accessible to an attack, lessening the impact of a breach. ProActive can help your company use SDSec to segment the network in a way that makes the most sense based on the unique way your business is organized. 

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Automated SDSec Solutions: Streamlined Security Operations

When security functions are carried out manually, companies have difficulty staying ahead of cybercriminals and may become overwhelmed by alerts that must be assessed and triaged. With SDSec, your company can automate security tools and functionalities, including firewalls and data loss prevention. Policies can be set for automating identity and access management to prevent unauthorized access of data and applications. Intrusion prevention, detection, and response processes can be automated to combat threats in real time. Using our consultative approach, ProActive will work with your company to automate your approach to security through an SDSec solution. 


Adaptive SDSec Security: Safeguard Your Evolving Environment

Today’s companies have dynamic technology environments in which data, workloads, and applications are moving to the cloud and information is being transmitted to and from endpoints. SDSec provides adaptive security that can protect these dynamic systems. With SDSec, your company can monitor the entire network and analyze traffic patterns and incidents to uncover anomalies and suspicious activities. Using this information, SDSec can adapt security policies to protect against threats as they emerge. Incidents can also be prioritized for a more efficient, accurate, and rapid response. ProActive can help your organization use SDSec to meet the security requirements of your dynamic and evolving infrastructure. 

How to Adopt Software-Defined Solutions

Request a free consultation with a ProActive expert in software-defined technology.